Liens du 23/06/2009

mark ongle de pouce

Falcon-AO, a prominent component of Falcon, is an automatic ontology matching system that helps actualize interoperability between (Semantic) Web applications that use different but related ontologies. Recently, it has become a very practical and popular choice for matching Web ontologies expressed by RDF(S) and OWL. Falcon-AO is implemented in Java, and presently, it is an open source project under the Apache 2.0 license.

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mark ongle de pouce

MWSAF(METEOR-S Web Service Annotation Framework) is a semantic web based graphical tool that enables you to annotate existing Web service descriptions with Ontologies. It facilitates the parsing of WSDL files and Ontologies. This enables the user to annotate Web service descriptions semi-automatically.

(étiquettes : )
mark ongle de pouce

Translation into plain English: We’re not worried about HTML 5 because we know IE will never support it.

C'est en effet bien parti pour.

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mark ongle de pouce

Ha les sites faits à la Rache : l'art est universel mais le langage est impérialiste.

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