Liens du 05/07/2011

mark ongle de pouce

On most computers, including the developers', the code simply set the system date to the current month, day and year. On the French computers-where dates use the DD/MM/YYYY format-the code swapped the months and the days.

La grande habitude américaine : "on most" signifie en fait "aux USA".

(étiquettes : )
mark ongle de pouce

What really disappoints me, however, is the reaction by the general open source community. Check Twitter and you’ll see a flood of hate against Have we forgotten that we’re all in this “open source” thing together? Do we not realize that it’s not a “popularity” contest, and that number of commits does not necessarily indicate a number of stable, released and downloadable projects? What GitHub does is awesome, and I fully support them in their efforts.

En même temps "git" en anglais c'est un connard, et "GitHub" c'est le point de rassemblement des connards. Qu'attendre de plus ?

(étiquettes : )

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