Yesterday I've tried NewsMonster...

... maybe the news aggregator of future, but not of today. I let the thing aggregate several times, but nothing appeared in Moz. Some times when a site is not reachable, the whole process seem to be blocked... which is bad with freeroller in the current state.

A thing I'm not sure about is the mix between Mozilla and Java. Mozilla has been designed to be cross-platform, is component oriented through XPCOM, and has the required libraries from what I can understand from its architecture (network transfer for sure, XML parsing, there is at least a regexp matching engine in Rhino...). And I didn't find a rational on their site. I suspect there is a good reason behind that, but unfortunately I can't tell which one. Furthemore, with the fuss around building applications with the Mozilla framework, I would have liked to see an application which is not a pure browser and widespreaded built on Mozilla.

Currently I'm just looking for a way to remove that hybrid couple from my computer. Removing the Java part is easy, but I fear to break my Moz installation if things go wrong with the other part.