Queries that led to this site today

Two are noticeable:

  • French boycott works through Google points here. Some people seem to look for information on that, for good or for bad reasons, I don't know. I don't believe in boycotts driven by political representatives.
  • Symbian crack through Netster points here. I don't know this search engine. The result page looks a lot like Google one. The query is very representative of what leads to my blog...

All in all, The joy of having a Feeds page seems to be reasonnably well referenced throughout the search engines, given that almost all peoples who are coming to my blog throug them are looking for some software cracks. Other strong points of attraction are WebSphere stack traces, and Word stack dumps. I should rename my blog to "Crack, Stack and Dump"...


1. On Sunday 27 July 2003, 20:12 by Anton

Keske c bien Google quand même ;)