In memory JSPC with WLS 6 and 7

Dion thanks BEA for in memory JSP compilation with WebLogic Server 8.1 sp2. I have to thank BEA for having so good salesman, the last enterprises I worked with used WLS 6 and 7, even an antiquated WLS 6.1Sp1 and its truckload of bugs. You know how big co' work, they apply service packs at the will of their IT department, most of the time 6 months after their releases at least. So thank you BEA for ensuring corporate software developpers another couple of years before they can gain decent compilation time. Only one more thing to say: a project with a dozen of session EJBs, and about thirty JSPs, compile and redeploy on a UNIX server with WebLogic 7 tools, equals roughly one hour. TDD ? No, back to pfort.