Liens du 19/01/2011

mark ongle de pouce

Show Some Love

On va te montrer de l'amour "Hixie style" : serre les fesses.

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mark ongle de pouce

Nooo! You've mangled mouse gestures!I use mouse gestures all the time. But with O11, it's half b0rked.[...] here's news to you: you never ever make a perfect gesture, Opera used to work fine with skewed mouse gestures, what's the deal taking yet another awesome feature and beating the living hell out of it?THIS USED TO WORK! WHY DID YOU MESS IT UP?!

Right now, Opera 11 mouse gestures handling is *crap*.

(étiquettes : )
mark ongle de pouce

Why can't they just revert the mouse gestures engine to how it was before? It was perfect! Now it's broken, and it seems very likely that it's connected with how the visual UI works. Is holding newbies by the hand (while not in and of itself a bad thing) really more important to Opera than a functional implementation of mouse gestures?

C'est une bonne question.

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