Liens du 16/01/2012

mark ongle de pouce

No major plugin is being maintained for Power Macs any more: Flash stopped updates with Flash in November 2010, and QuickTime 7 for the PowerPC was decommissioned with the release of QuickTime 7.7 and OS X Lion in August 2011. (Tiger users have not had an update since QT 7.6.4 in September 2009.)

Quel est la différence entre un Mac de 2003 et un PC de 2003 ? Le PC de 2003 peut encore servir et être mis à jour. Le Mac de 2003 a été abandonné, à commencer par Apple

(étiquettes : )
mark ongle de pouce

One of the most touted features of the iPhone 4S is the web-based voice recognition assistant Siri. It's interesting and sometimes powerful, but not always in China. First, it doesn't support Mandarin and China-based map and location services, which makes it somewhat less appealing than Apple's US-based advertising would have you believe. The good news is that Apple has said it will launch a Chinese-language version of Siri this year. Second, it can't always recognize words spoken in English. I tried it 10 times, and it recognized my words only 5 times. A Canadian native speaker who also tried found it worked seven out of 10 times. Still, it will give you results sometimes if it manages to catch only keywords.

Siri, c'est la personne qui vous répondra toujours au téléphone.

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