Liens du 18/05/2012

mark ongle de pouce

“I normally teach 400 students,” Ng explained, but last semester he taught 100,000 in an online course on machine learning. “To reach that many students before,” he said, “I would have had to teach my normal Stanford class for 250 years.”

C'est bien ces professeurs qui reconnaissent qu'en fait ils se fichent des élèves et qu'une vidéo d'eux fait aussi bien qu'eux.

(étiquettes : )
mark ongle de pouce

Je vais mettre ça dans mon panthéon des trolls nazes.

Oh, ça ira côtoyer les déclarations de Mozilla comme quoi l'augmentation de la fréquence des releases est bonne pour les entreprises et pour les nouvelles fonctionnalités.

(étiquettes : )
mark ongle de pouce

The truth is it has always been this way with the WHATWG. As Shelly, John and others elsewhere have pointed out, this has happened a bunch of times before. This is par for the course. It’s not a “WHATWG” issue so much as it is an “Ian Hickson” issue. Ian has done a lot of (commendable) hard work getting the HTML spec into better shape over the years, but the fact of the matter is he makes very strange decisions too. He’s not there because he builds websites, or because he has a good relationship with the community, or that he follows his own processes (ha!), or he’s good at taking a consensus view, or anything like that. He’s there because the W3C failed so badly with HTML (see: XHTML 2.0), and Hickson editing the spec worked for vendors. Not you.

La WHAT Task Force n'a jamais été faite pour le Web, c'est juste une coalition des anti-Internet Explorer.

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