
Sunday 24 July 2011

Liens du 24/07/2011

mark ongle de pouce


Euh.. Karl ? (étiquettes : )
mark ongle de pouce

The picture frame is made from an ancient Pentium II laptop, a custom frame built by Artrageous, and some handy duct tape. It runs Debian and the application used to snatch pictures from the Wi-Fi connection is Driftnet, a "program which listens to network traffic and picks out images from TCP streams it observes".

Je me demande si un PIC (à la Arduino) aurait la puissance de faire ça, et de le faire tourner sur une pile de 9V ? Voire de faire ça avec du papier électronique (bien mieux que ces écrans LCD avec leur angle de vision réduit). (étiquettes : )
mark ongle de pouce

I do not care that a Google service is free. That is Google embracing a “You don’t like it? Too bad, it’s free anyway” approach. Free or not, all users are in the Google orbit and it is through advertising to us, their base, that Google has made the billions of dollars they have. There is no other corporation trading stock at the level of Google that does not offer customer support, plain and simple.

Et il a mis 6 ans à s'en rendre compte, c'est ça le plus triste.

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mark ongle de pouce

We have warned users from creating business profiles on google+ since google is working on profiles for business exclusively and plans to keep the current Google+ primarily focused on consumer.

Google+ n'est pas pour les gens, Google+ n'a pas d'utilisateurs : Google+ c'est pour les consommateurs.

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Friday 22 July 2011

Liens du 22/07/2011

mark ongle de pouce

La lecture de l'acte d'accusation est un véritable feuilleton. (étiquettes : )
mark ongle de pouce


Le Dimanche 17 juillet 2011 à 16:47 par Damien B

Pour ces cas, les forces de l’ordre utilisent des FAMAS (5.56 mm NATO, en service dans l’armée), des FR-F2 (7,62mm NATO)

N’empêche, tirer au NATO ça pue mais ça ne fait pas bien mal. Ça serait vraiment dangereux s’ils tiraient avec des munitions normées OTAN par contre.

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mark ongle de pouce

Books need to be a predictable size; they have to be manufactured to a price, stored, transported and displayed. Then they have to fit on home bookshelves. People tend to like books that are easy to read, handle, and store. We generally like and need novels to be certain sizes. If you picked up a diary-sized novel in a series one day and the sequel was the size of a family bible, you'd probably find that annoying. I know many readers won't buy hardcovers and wait for mass market paperback editions simply because the regular size of "MMPBs" fits their bookcase, or is easier to carry around.

So, production editors and typographers do a very clever job of smoothing out that big variation using white space and font sizes to get more words on each page - or fewer. They're so good at doing it that a manuscript of 100,000 words can be made into a book that is identical in overall size to one up to twice the length. Don't believe me? Pick a few books at random, do a word count, and then look at the appearance of the pages. You won't notice it unless you're looking for it.


Page count doesn't mean a thing. It doesn't tell you how much book you're getting for your money. And, to be brutal, if your evaluation of any book is based on how many words you get rather than the impact it has on you and how well it's written - well, that's just dumb. Sorry, but it is. It's not like a pound of apples for 50 pence being better value than a pound for 75 pence. You're not being short-changed if you get a shorter novel. And left wanting more is not being short-changed. It's what good books are supposed to do.


So don't get hung up about counting pages. A book is as long as it needs to be to tell the story. Just open it, and enjoy.

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Wednesday 13 July 2011

Liens du 13/07/2011

mark ongle de pouce

I am telling you this because I am grabbing you by the fucking collar and shaking very hard because it is obvious you need to be shaken very hard and told that this is it. This is the endgame for floppies. We went over the hump, and the chances of rescue are slim to none now, but there are still chances. It’s a chance that needs to be taken now.

Vos disquettes 5"1/4 meurent, la mémoire s'en va, le dernier moment pour essayer de sauver cette mémoire arrive incessamment très vite.

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mark ongle de pouce

With another hat on: I'm currently on the Aurora branch.. however I can't upgrade to Fx 7 since none of my extensions are supported. As we've moved through the versions, the TLC of extension developers for their projects has disappeared and the time-to-release for their patches has skyrocketed. I've already given up working on add-ons myself because.. well, frankly, I have a life to worry about. Between reviews, bug fixing and keeping up to date I'd lose all my free time to maintaining them.

With yet another hat on: I work in an enterprise and influence decisions regarding browser adoption. I cannot recommend Firefox in any context, where before I most assuredly could (and from a position of strength).

La nouvelle politique de Mozilla : tu ne sais pas ce que tu vas avoir, mais tu sais ce que tu vas perdre. Une bonne gestion à la WHAT TF. (étiquettes : )

Tuesday 5 July 2011

Liens du 05/07/2011

mark ongle de pouce

On most computers, including the developers', the code simply set the system date to the current month, day and year. On the French computers-where dates use the DD/MM/YYYY format-the code swapped the months and the days.

La grande habitude américaine : "on most" signifie en fait "aux USA".

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mark ongle de pouce

What really disappoints me, however, is the reaction by the general open source community. Check Twitter and you’ll see a flood of hate against Have we forgotten that we’re all in this “open source” thing together? Do we not realize that it’s not a “popularity” contest, and that number of commits does not necessarily indicate a number of stable, released and downloadable projects? What GitHub does is awesome, and I fully support them in their efforts.

En même temps "git" en anglais c'est un connard, et "GitHub" c'est le point de rassemblement des connards. Qu'attendre de plus ?

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Friday 10 June 2011

Liens du 10/06/2011

mark ongle de pouce

Inside the Hindenburg in colour (étiquettes : )
mark ongle de pouce

If Daring Fireball and NetNewsWire are sort-of siblings, then Dave Winer’s work on Scripting News and Frontier are sort-of parents to our work. And we’re not done, and neither is Dave.

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Monday 30 May 2011

Liens du 30/05/2011

mark ongle de pouce

I believe that the trend to “go Agile” is misguided. If a company is developing good software, the people involved in developing that software are happy working there, the software development is sustainable, and the business is being adequately served by that software, there’s really no need for them to try to be more or less Agile. Agile has challenges like any other culture, but the single biggest challenge I find is companies trying to solve development, process, management, and/or schedule problems by “going Agile.” Teams who have grown up in a culture that is fundamentally different than Agile simply will not find it easy to “go Agile.”

Scott Barber

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Wednesday 25 May 2011

Liens du 25/05/2011

mark ongle de pouce

Update: Apparently Sony has had touchscreen e-ink readers for a while now.

C'est incroyable ce qu'il peut raconter comme bêtises dès que ses sources ne sont pas ses trois potes chez Apple.

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mark ongle de pouce

Well, first, let’s start with Facebook itself.

Facebook is the third of what is probably a quartet (or quintet) of the destruction of the innocence of computing.  First was viruses, second was malware, third is facebook. I suspect fourth will be related to control of networking itself, and fifth will be licensing of high level computer ability. But let’s not get ahead of ourselves.

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Tuesday 17 May 2011

Liens du 17/05/2011

mark ongle de pouce

Et pour finir, ce sera le 22 juin que sortira Eclipse 3.7, de son petit nom « Indigo ». Nous découvrirons alors si le plugin m2Eclipse a finalement été intégré à la distribution Eclipse (il n’est toujours pas dans les dernières version Milestone)

m2Eclipse intégré dans la distribution officielle Eclipse ? Parlez-moi d'une vision de cauchemar !

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mark ongle de pouce

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Friday 13 May 2011

Liens du 13/05/2011

mark ongle de pouce

But we were horrified

when Mozilla delivered the one-two punch of dropping both support for Tiger

and our beloved Power Macs from Firefox 4. A quad 2.5GHz G5 isn't

worth using to surf the web? Really? And you guys still support Windows XP?

And, of course, Apple's been giving us Power Mac users the proverbial middle

digit since 2006. Remember: think different.

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Tuesday 10 May 2011

Liens du 10/05/2011

mark ongle de pouce

This prediction behaviour makes ANTLR lexers exceedingly difficult to get right.

Ca c'est sûr.

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Monday 18 April 2011

Liens du 18/04/2011

mark ongle de pouce

To me, the only solution has been to assume that Windows 7 x64 does not have backup tools, and go with free third party solutions that are absolutely reliable, waste none of my time, and cause none of this pain (see my earlier post).

Enlever un choix donné à l'utilisateur n'est pas une bonne solution, si la décision automatiquement prise derrière n'est pas la bonne.

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mark ongle de pouce

Voltaire, défenseur de la liberté d'expression illimitée ? Une supercherie, nous répond la Société Voltaire :

« Ce n'est pas du tout lui cette phrase. Prenons le credo chrétien qu'il a toujours combattu. Ou les Jésuites. Il ne les aurait jamais défendus. »

Selon la Société Voltaire, respecter la liberté d'expression n'est pas respecter le fait qu'on soit libre de s'exprimer, mais défendre les idées exprimées...

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Thursday 14 April 2011

Liens du 14/04/2011

mark ongle de pouce

Celui qui a depose un bulletin doit le voir 'exprime' dans les resultats, et non pas annule parce qu'il ne plait pas a certains depouilleurs, aussi pertinents soit-t-ils, aussi observateurs.

Association pour la reconnaissance du vote blanc

Traduisons en français :

Celui qui a dépose un bulletin doit le voir "exprime" dans les résultats, et non pas annule parce qu'il ne plait pas à certains dépouilleurs, aussi pertinents soit-ils, aussi observateurs.

Euh... reprenons la traduction :

Celui qui a, qui dépose un bulletin exprime qu'il doit le voir dans les résultats, et n'annule pas parce qu'il ne plait pas à certains dépouilleurs, aussi pertinent qu'il soit, aussi observateurs.

Voilà, c'est tout de suite plus clair., une association anti-raciste : ensemble, militons pour le petit nègre !

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mark ongle de pouce

One of my favorites, finally available on Blu-ray. Just $14 at Amazon.

En tout cas, il ne risque pas de le voir sur ses milliers d'euros de matériel Apple.

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mark ongle de pouce

There is another solution that you can use to suppress the formatting of specific block comments. Use /*- (note the hyphen) at the beginning of the block comment, and the formatting

won't be affected if you format the rest of the file.

On peut apprendre tous les jours.

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Sunday 3 April 2011

Liens du 03/04/2011

mark ongle de pouce

Pas inintéressant cette idée que les détracteurs-geek de l’iPad ne l’aiment pas, car il menace potentiellement leur statut de pro de l’info toujours là pour dépanner familles et copains.

Et il y aura toujours des glands pour croire que dépanner familles et copains est un super statut épanouissant qu'on aurait peur de perdre. Wake up les boys ! (Oui, l'amateur d'iPad auto-proclamé "geek tendance gadgetophile" (aka n00b) a souvent du mal avec le français).

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Liens du 03/04/2011

mark ongle de pouce

D’abord et avant tout, il faut rappeler l’évidence : le budget culturel des ménages n’est pas extensible à l’infini. Avec l’essor des consoles de jeux, l’augmentation des ventes de DVD, les lecteurs MP3, les records d’entrées au cinéma, les appareils photo numériques, les forfaits de téléphonie mobile pour toute la famille, le prix des abonnements à Internet, il n’est guère surprenant qu’un rééquilibrage se fasse au détriment d’une industrie musicale qui n’a pas su se renouveler.

Et pourtant, le yaourt se vend toujours aussi bien : y'a un truc.

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Tuesday 22 March 2011

Liens du 22/03/2011

mark ongle de pouce

For example, make sure your the app is in English to French mode, press one button in the app, say to your iPhone "where is the train station," and then a second later your iPhone displays "où est la gare" and you can tap one button to have that spoken in French so that the person in Paris can hear and understand you and point in a direction.

Si à Paris on me demande "où est la gare", je réponds "quelle gare ?" !

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mark ongle de pouce

Instead, their results show that Android’s WebView control is faster than iOS’s UIWebView control. Mobile Safari is not just a thin wrapper around the system’s UIWebView control — it has its own caching system, its renderer uses asynchronous multithreading (UIWebView does not), and, as of iOS 4.3, Mobile Safari uses its own much faster JavaScript engine (“Nitro”).

Traduction : si vous basez votre application sur UIWebView et que vous espérez profiter des améliorations de vitesse faites sur le navigateur, et bien, tant pis pour votre pomme.

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Thursday 17 March 2011

Liens du 17/03/2011

mark ongle de pouce

Director: Hayao Miyazaki, 15.07.1995

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mark ongle de pouce

People go on about how the Kindle is great because there are no other distractions and because you can read it in direct sunlight and whatnot, but my feeling is that they're really saying "I'm avoiding the iPad because I don't want to be seen as slavishly buying everything Apple releases."

C'est ça le fanboyisme : ne pas pas reconnaître des arguments parfaitement valides parce qu'on a oublié tout rationalisme.

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Tuesday 8 March 2011

Liens du 08/03/2011

mark ongle de pouce

As described in a previous Note, I bought the family pack for OS X and iLife updates even though the ‘’single” version can be installed on any number of machines. That alone probably gets me into the lower tier of the Friendly Idiot database somewhere in Apple’s Cloud, but the fact that I also pay $100/yr for MobileMe upgrades me to Platinum status.

C'est là la grande force d'Apple.

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mark ongle de pouce

Unfortunately, if the data store starts acting up, Google's code uses an exponential backoff algorithm that could cause the export process to grind to a halt (I never actually saw it recover, it just gets slower). Moreover, because export processes take days, you will need to run a nohup background process, but Google's export script requires an interactive login.

Here is my suggestion: spin up a dedicated EC2 instance, push your code and install Google App Engine linux, embed your username/password directly into the script, remove the exponential backoff, and then run the following

Comment exporter un gros jeu de données de Google App Engine ? C'est simple, allez à la concurrence chez Amazon et lancer l'export depuis là-bas, parce que là au moins, ça a une chance d'aboutir.

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mark ongle de pouce

You can chain up to six Thunderbolt devices. That’s not a problem today as we’re not even aware of six products that support Thunderbolt yet. But if the connection becomes widespread, the six device limit might be a problem for some people. In comparison, FireWire supports 63 devices and USB supports up to 127 devices.

Bah, ça n'est pas une limitation, Apple vendra à ce moment là une extension bien pratique et hors de prix pour contourner cette limitation complètement artificielle.

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mark ongle de pouce

Sam Ruby, W3C HTML5 Co-Chair, says “Thanks for all the data. I know I asked for it. But no. Focus on other important stuff instead. Ha ha.” (That might be a bit flavored of a paraphrasing…)

HTML 5 restera pour des années encore une bonne blague.

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Tuesday 22 February 2011

Liens du 22/02/2011

mark ongle de pouce

But another interesting implication here is what would happen (or will happen) when the majority of vehicles are electric? If our use is typical, it means about a 25% increase in electricity consumption just for transportation. What does that mean for the electricity infrastructure? Would we be able in the U.S. to add 25% more capacity in say 10 years without resorting to coal? How much of that increase can be met through conservation?

Réduire notre utilisation des énergies fossiles, c'est augmenter notre consommation électrique. Produire suffisamment d'électricité (et la distribuer) pour arriver au même niveau de confort est un problème qui reste à résoudre.

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mark ongle de pouce

M. Frédéric Mitterrand, ministre. Le Gouvernement est défavorable aux amendements nos 8, 18 et 30. En 2006, le législateur a souhaité exclure du champ de l’exception pédagogique les œuvres réalisées pour une édition numérique de l’écrit, afin d’encourager le développement d’une édition numérique.

Le gouvernement préfère l'argent à l'éducation. On n'est pas surpris.

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mark ongle de pouce

Since favicon has been introduced by Microsoft, browsers have implemented it. The issue is that it is using the well-known location anti-pattern.

Le web moderne EST un anti-pattern.

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Monday 14 February 2011

Liens du 14/02/2011

mark ongle de pouce

The benefit of template rewrite in the capability to maintain a table

of template line number to groovy line number which allowed me to

implement more precise error reporting when an exception occurs

Evidemment, ça n'a pas l'air d'avoir été remonté dans Groovy core...

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C'est pour cela que je trouve admirable le projet de Liu Ming vivant dans un loft en Californie. Il a commandé à l'architecte Toshi Kasai de spaceflavor un espace minimal sous la forme d'un cube lui permettant de garantir un espace privatif dans le loft dans lequel il enseigne.

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mark ongle de pouce

The HTML spec has jurisdiction only because people choose to apply it to their documents. If people choose to apply some other specification instead, or in combination, the HTML spec can't stop them. If an entirely separate group completely redefines what “HTML” means and publishes that as a rival spec, what matters is not what either spec says is permissible to do with the term “HTML”, but which spec users of HTML choose to follow.

Traduction : les gens font ce qu'ils veulent, donc les standards sont inutiles, donc le WHAT WG est inutile.

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Monday 7 February 2011

Liens du 07/02/2011

mark ongle de pouce

Japan’s cramped living conditions and the arrival of the iPad in May have spawned as many as 60 companies offering to turn paper books into e-books as publishers have been slow to provide content for new electronic readers. Japan has lagged the U.S. in introducing e-books because of a rigid pricing system, uncertainty over copyrights and early problems reproducing Japanese characters on screens, said Toshihiro Takagi, an analyst at market researcher Impress R&D in Tokyo.

Sachant que l'écran d'un iPad est plus mauvais pour reproduire les caractères japonais que celui des liseuses de 2004, je doute que le critère "reproducing Japanese characters" soit très pertinent.

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mark ongle de pouce

Japanese buyers of Amazon’s Kindle reader are redirected to the company’s U.S. site since no Japanese-language titles are available. Lack of content and low demand forced Tokyo-based Sony to stop selling e-readers in its home market in 2007. Osaka-based Panasonic Corp. gave up in 2008.

Les premiers à avoir eu des liseuses électronique grand public n'en ont pas fait usage à cause des éditeurs. La technologie ne sert pas à grand chose sans contenu.

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mark ongle de pouce

Very recently, Sonatype completed significant development in the evolution of Hudson’s core architecture. The benefits of these changes include better leveraging of industry standards, increased performance and stability, and tight integration with Maven 3 that provides greater visibility into running builds. We are continuing to add engineers to our Hudson team and are working hard with the Hudson community to move much of the work we’ve done here to

Sonatype a l'air de vouloir pourrir Hudson : enfin une véritable raison de basculer sur Jerkin'.

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