Liens du 08/03/2011

mark ongle de pouce

As described in a previous Note, I bought the family pack for OS X and iLife updates even though the ‘’single” version can be installed on any number of machines. That alone probably gets me into the lower tier of the Friendly Idiot database somewhere in Apple’s Cloud, but the fact that I also pay $100/yr for MobileMe upgrades me to Platinum status.

C'est là la grande force d'Apple.

(étiquettes : )
mark ongle de pouce

Unfortunately, if the data store starts acting up, Google's code uses an exponential backoff algorithm that could cause the export process to grind to a halt (I never actually saw it recover, it just gets slower). Moreover, because export processes take days, you will need to run a nohup background process, but Google's export script requires an interactive login.

Here is my suggestion: spin up a dedicated EC2 instance, push your code and install Google App Engine linux, embed your username/password directly into the script, remove the exponential backoff, and then run the following

Comment exporter un gros jeu de données de Google App Engine ? C'est simple, allez à la concurrence chez Amazon et lancer l'export depuis là-bas, parce que là au moins, ça a une chance d'aboutir.

(étiquettes : )
mark ongle de pouce

You can chain up to six Thunderbolt devices. That’s not a problem today as we’re not even aware of six products that support Thunderbolt yet. But if the connection becomes widespread, the six device limit might be a problem for some people. In comparison, FireWire supports 63 devices and USB supports up to 127 devices.

Bah, ça n'est pas une limitation, Apple vendra à ce moment là une extension bien pratique et hors de prix pour contourner cette limitation complètement artificielle.

(étiquettes : )
mark ongle de pouce

Sam Ruby, W3C HTML5 Co-Chair, says “Thanks for all the data. I know I asked for it. But no. Focus on other important stuff instead. Ha ha.” (That might be a bit flavored of a paraphrasing…)

HTML 5 restera pour des années encore une bonne blague.

(étiquettes : )

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