Par Damien B,
jeudi 16 octobre 2003.
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A new colloboration between David Sylvian and Ryuichi Sakamoto is out for some days now,
World Citizen - I Won't Be Disappointed. This "duet" has given some magical songs like
Forbidden Colours (especially the
Cinemage version), or
Heartbeart (Tainai Kaiki II) - Returning to the Womb on
Heartbeat. You can read the story of this new song on
David Sylvian site. There are two versions of this song, on the second one chronologically speaking (
I won't be disappointed), we find Harumi Hosono and Yukihiro Takahashi for keyboard programming: the whole Yellow Magic Orchestra re-united :-) By the way, almost all the YMO records are again available since January (like the excellent
After Service).