Liens du 09/08/2011

mark ongle de pouce

The trouble is that the "training" doesn't really produce consistent results, so Youthful Programmer starts creating rules and procedures that are meant to make more consistent results. Over the years, the rule book grows and grows. Soon it's a six-volume manual called The Methodology.

After a few dozen years, Youthful Programmer is now a Huge Incompetent IT Consultant with a capital-M-methodology and a lot of people who blindly obey the Methodology, even when it doesn't seem to be working, because they have no bloody idea whatsoever what else to do, and they're not really talented programmers -- they're just well-meaning Poli Sci majors who attended the six-week course.

Joel Spolsky écrivait cela il y a plus de dix ans. Aujourd'hui, les méthodologies ne sont plus sur la programmation. De la même manière qu'UML2 est passé au niveau meta-meta, les Méthodologies sont désormais à propos des méthodologies. Le pire étant que les déçu de l'Agile qui s'est Méthodologisée sont aussi en train de reconstruire une nouvelle méthodologie, para-Agile.

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mark ongle de pouce

CLEditor is an open source jQuery plugin which provides a lightweight, full featured, cross browser, extensible, WYSIWYG HTML editor that can be easily added into any web site.

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mark ongle de pouce

Google+ also offers the ability to re-share posts made by others. Twitter's retweet feature is similar, where the other person's content shows up in your own feed as something that you have "forwarded" onto your own followers. This in itself is handy, but Google+ takes it a step further by also offering options not to allow re-sharing (say you make a private post to a small group of people and you don't want those people re-sharing your thoughts to their own friends).

Et oui, Google+ peut bloquer le copier-coller et la capture d'écran : c'est ça le Web 3.0. (étiquettes : )
mark ongle de pouce

La participation au conseil municipal est une véritable mise à nu. Participer ne révèle non seulement son identité mais son adresse également.

En ces temps de gogolisation de la pensée réactionnaire, en quoi la publicité d'une adresse est-elle une mise à nu ?

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